Wednesday, November 10, 2010

i just look that way

i saw this picture on jamie's blog and i felt like i need to explain something about myself....

once one of my college teachers asked me to stay after class so he could talk to me about something. never a good sign. then he asked me if he had offended me during our class discussion.
i couldn't think of anything that would have.
he said that during the discussion i had this sort of angry look on my face.
i laughed and said, no i just look like that.

its true.

ever since i can remember i've had strange people i don't know coming up to me and saying things like, "just smile" or "you're too pretty to look so sad" or "hey lady what's wrong."

so here it is.
i look angry, perturbed, annoyed, and/or mad when i'm thinking.

i'm sure people who don't know me probably think i'm grumpy all the time, but it's not the case. i just look that way when i'm thinking deep carrie thoughts of chocolate and kitty cats.

so don't be offended if you see me with a scowl on my face.
i'm not angry - i just look that way.


Unknown said...

Ahh ha ha that is so true. I remember LOADS of times growing up where I thought you were mad at me because you'd look at me all grumpy like. But's just silly Carrie faces. :)

Corrina Baker said...

ha ha ha, that's funny. i lol'ed.