Sunday, July 29, 2007

Freakin' Fantastic Fischer Family Fiesta Fools!

What a week! All the Fischers reuinited again! As you can expect this was a weekend of fun and food. Lots of yummy food. It was so much fun to be with everyone again. All the kids are so cute! Even little Tophie!

We managed to do a lot while we were all together. We build a freakin' awesome slip'n'slide...I think it ended up being around 45 ft long. We got just about everyone joined in on the fun - it was great. We also went to the lake and played on some Jet cool! We all managed to get nice and toasty red. Which wasn't such goood timing, since we spent the next day at the water park. It was still very fun. During the evenings we jammed out to Guitar Hero and I squeezed in a little Toe Jam & Earl action when I could.
As the week went on we ate more and more food and spent some time with family. (Katie had a bangin' good time with was a hit....a smash!)
We even managed to take family photos without anyone crying! Though...not everyone was always smiling. But overall, so much fun.
It was such a great week...I miss having family close. Hopefully we'll get to do this again soon.