Sunday, August 22, 2010

pacifier...soother...binky....none of the above

this picture is probably typical of most infants.
babies love pacifiers.
ainsley did too....for about two weeks. then she found her thumb. i'm all for it. its a self-soothing win-win for us. if it falls out, she can put it right back in.

pacifiers are good to chew on now. when she's interested in them, this is typically what she does with a pacifier.
that's my girl.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

what a lush

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i love drinks.

i always love to go to the store and see what new drinks are out. i remember going grocery shopping with my college roommate aubry and always stocking up on fun drinks.

one of the many reasons i love duben is for his fondness for drinks.
ever since we've been married we've always had sections in our fridge and cupboards set aside for drinks.
i've even got the pictures to prove it!

(don't hate on the diet pepsi)

current cupboard

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

play date at the pool

so we finally got out and had a play date this week. we've had such a hot summer and its been in the 90's and above for about 50 straight days. of course, the one day we picked was the first overcast day. it was still fun and warm enough for us.
its so nice being a in branch with so many girls ainsley's age.
it was great to see all the girls and how big everyone is getting.
the girls loved the pool and were able to splash and crawl around.
so much fun!
yes, i know, i forgot ainsley's hat. my mistake.

Monday, August 16, 2010

a fast 10 months

i can't believe how quickly time goes by. i know i say this to myself every time i see how big ainsley is getting.
i just can't believe how fast she's growing.

she's getting even more of her own little personality. she's going through the phase of smiling and laughing when i tell her no. its hard to keep a serious look when she gives me that guilty smile.

she's sooo close to walking. she's up to 8 steps on her own, but you have to encourage it, she's still hesitant of it. i'm ready for her to walk cause she's getting heavy!

duben and i just adore her. she's just as cute as ever. and always so happy.
we are just so blessed and grateful for her.

new toys

ainsley isn't much for toys so i never know what to get her. she'll like a new toy for about a week then is bored. i usually just fill up her toy bucket with toys and random things and she'll spend most her time emptying it and throwing it around.

then i found this!
ainsley LOVES playing in this. she'll sit inside and look at me through the tube and then outside the tent and just laugh. she (and oscar) love climbing back and forth through the tube.

best buy ever!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

sleeping....on the floor?

ainsley has always been a great sleeper. that is one thing i am so grateful for.
i love my sleep.

recently we've been having problems getting her from our arms to the crib. somehow she just knows you're putting her in the crib and she doesn't like it. she immediately wakes up and wants out.
then i discovered the floor.
one night i put her on the floor so i could get her blanket, and she immediately fell asleep. later that week i was trying to get her down for a nap and she again chose the floor.
who knew the floor was better than her warm and cozy crib?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

a little more everyday

i can't believe how quickly time has gone by since ainsley's been in our life.
i knew i'd love her, but i never knew it would be this much.
i never imagined how much joy she'd bring to our lives.

it has been amazing watching her grow and become her own person. i especially love watching her with duben. its easy to see how much they love each other.

i'm so grateful for my amazing family.

i know its cheesy...but i love waking up to her every day and seeing her grow into such a beautiful girl.
i love being a mom.