Friday, June 5, 2009

Walmart Shareholders "Meeting"

just last week Walmart had its yearly shareholders meeting. its a long meeting with all the walmart shareholders ... obviously. we talk about last year's sales, what we're doing now, and the board of directors vote on silly measures (which always get rejected). but luckily for us, walmart likes to throw in some entertainment for us during the week and then at the meeting so its not so boring.

a few days before the meeting we got to go see sugarland and brad paisley put on a nice show for us. duben and i scored floor seats just 14 rows from the stage. brad even sang his first song just two feet in front of me. it was fantastic. i must say, mr. paisley puts on a nice show, even duben had a good time.
the next night was foreigner and chris daughtry, but we decided to pass.

then came the actual meeting. normally i'm quite annoyed when i have to attend at a meeting at 7:00 AM, but this was an exception. we arrived at the meeting at 6:15 to make sure we had decent seats and were welcomed with all the juice and snacks our hearts desired. not too shabby walmart. then the meeting started...with ben stiller. oh zoolander was our m.c.! it was great. we had a few boring speeches, but some fun guests like...michael jordan, miley cyrus, smokey robinson, and american idol winner kris allen.
what a fun day at work!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Under Construction

I will try and update SOON.
a little news since you're here.

I'm expecting! A girl!
October 24th.

More to come.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wilde Zoo

duben and i are finally getting settled into our house. the kitchen is finally set up just the way we like it and we even have some pictures on the wall. we noticed a few weeks after we moved in we have quite the assortment of animals that use our yard as a playground.

we noticed a robin had set up a little nest above our door. so every morning we get a 'hello' from her as we leave the house. she likes to sit on the roof and chirp at us until we leave. this weekend we noticed three little beaks peaking out over the side of the nest. it was cute at first...until our porch became their bathroom.

the animal fun doesn't stop there. duben found, and rescued, some frogs out in our front yard a few months ago. he was quite worried whether they would make it or not. just last night after the storm we found a slightly bigger frog jumping in our driveway. i told duben is was his rescued was a good reuinion for him.

earlier that day duben was pulling weeds in the back of the house when he discovered what he thought was a mouse. he was about to say goodnight to the little guy when he realized the mouse had large ears....and that it wasn't a mouse but a bunny....and not just one bunny, but five little baby bunnies all curled up together. they were cute and oh-so little. we covered them up and let them stay in our yard until they were ready to venture off with the other rabbits.

and last, but not favorite animal of them all. after duben has his frog reunion we were checking out the sky from our backyard. we noticed something running along the bushes by the stream. at first we thought it was a cat or a rabbit, but it was moving a little slower. then we thought maybe a we looked closer we realized we had an armadillo running through our yard! this is extraordinary for many reasons. first, i've never seen an armadillo before...not many running through california. and second, when you do see armadillos....they're on the side of the road dead. so to see a real live armadillo running through our yard was fantastic!

those are all of our animal friends for now. hopefully they stay friendly and stay outside of the house.