Wednesday, February 9, 2011

it doesn't snow in arkansas

when we moved to arkansas i was told it didn't really snow. maybe one storm might actually leave snow on the ground, but just for a day.
we have a few ice storms a year, but not snow.
i can deal with that....especially after living in rexburg.

this year was something totally different. we had back-to-back storms that left, not inches, but feet of snow! it was crazy. the whole city shut down.

it was fun for a bit. duben stayed home from work and we watched movies and ate lots of yummy food. ainsley got dressed up to go out....and then ended up hating the snow.
maybe next year she'll like it.
hopefully there isn't this much snow next year.

Monday, February 7, 2011

such a good helper

i hate smelly things. hate them. i gag really easily.
as a mom, i'm always on diaper duty.
fun - no
smelly - yes
changing diapers is not my favorite thing, and i hate having them in the house.
one day after changing ainsley's diaper she picked it up and did this.

(put it through the cat door into the garage)

so proud.