Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Car!!

Well, it happened...we officially sold the Audi on Monday. It was a sad day coming home and not seeing it in the driveway. Luckily we were able to find a car that night! We had been looking into a Malibu and decided thats what we would like. We heard there were mission cars being sold in our area, and they happened to have a few Malibus. I called several missions Monday afternoon and immediately after selling our car that night, we went to look at two cars in San Jose and San Francisco . San Jose had a lovely gold car...but we weren't ready for that much bling. We kept driving north to San Fran and checked out a lovely green car. We liked the green, but thought we'd sleep on it to make sure. The next morning we new that was the car. Since mom was flying out of San Jose saturday, we decided we'd wait til then to pick it up, since we had to drive there anyways. So today was the day...we got it..and for a smokin' deal! We're excited, hopefully we'll be able to take you all cruisin' in our new ride. We are still accepting names for it too. YAY!

1 comment:

andi said... could name the new car "Fran" (in honor of her hometown) or if it's a boy...."Cisco"
there you go!