Sunday, July 29, 2007

Freakin' Fantastic Fischer Family Fiesta Fools!

What a week! All the Fischers reuinited again! As you can expect this was a weekend of fun and food. Lots of yummy food. It was so much fun to be with everyone again. All the kids are so cute! Even little Tophie!

We managed to do a lot while we were all together. We build a freakin' awesome slip'n'slide...I think it ended up being around 45 ft long. We got just about everyone joined in on the fun - it was great. We also went to the lake and played on some Jet cool! We all managed to get nice and toasty red. Which wasn't such goood timing, since we spent the next day at the water park. It was still very fun. During the evenings we jammed out to Guitar Hero and I squeezed in a little Toe Jam & Earl action when I could.
As the week went on we ate more and more food and spent some time with family. (Katie had a bangin' good time with was a hit....a smash!)
We even managed to take family photos without anyone crying! Though...not everyone was always smiling. But overall, so much fun.
It was such a great week...I miss having family close. Hopefully we'll get to do this again soon.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

'Winter' Fun

We had a lot of fun during the 'winter' we spent in California. We weren't able to keep up with the blog, but here are some of the cool things we managed to do before heading back to school. My dad, Uncle Don,
Duben and I went to a Giants game in April. It was great! That was their first win of the season, and lovely Barry hit one out of the park. And of course, the garlic fries were amazing. All of our mouths were burning, but we couldn't stop eating til they were gone. So good!

and I also took a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. One of our personal favs. Duben likes the Aquarium even more since he worked with them for a few weeks.
We also took a trip up to Santa Cruz. That is probably my favorite place to people watch. First we made a stop at Cole's BBQ in
Aptos. It is sooo good. It has the best tri-tip, and their signature sauce is amazing. Of course we went to the Boardwalk so I could school Duben in mini golf, which I did. Then we stopped at the best Ice Cream shoppe ever...Marianne's. So many glorious flavors!

We also went to dinner with Mom, Dad, Don, and Cindy to
Sapporos in Monterey. The food was great, the Chefs were really amazing to watch, Duben has tried to mimic some of the tricks with no luck, just a bunch of broken eggs on the floor. It was really fun.

Our last trip was probably my favorite of them all. We went to Carmel Beach to have a little BBQ and watch the sunset. It is
sooo pretty there, it always makes it hard to leave.
Well, that's how we spent our 'Winter' - we live the rough life...

Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Car!!

Well, it happened...we officially sold the Audi on Monday. It was a sad day coming home and not seeing it in the driveway. Luckily we were able to find a car that night! We had been looking into a Malibu and decided thats what we would like. We heard there were mission cars being sold in our area, and they happened to have a few Malibus. I called several missions Monday afternoon and immediately after selling our car that night, we went to look at two cars in San Jose and San Francisco . San Jose had a lovely gold car...but we weren't ready for that much bling. We kept driving north to San Fran and checked out a lovely green car. We liked the green, but thought we'd sleep on it to make sure. The next morning we new that was the car. Since mom was flying out of San Jose saturday, we decided we'd wait til then to pick it up, since we had to drive there anyways. So today was the day...we got it..and for a smokin' deal! We're excited, hopefully we'll be able to take you all cruisin' in our new ride. We are still accepting names for it too. YAY!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Hike of All Hikes

As most of you know Carrie’s uncle Don and I went on a 26 mile hike and intended to do it in 2 days through the Ventana wilderness. We started at Arroyo Seco and trekked to Pfeiffer Big Surr forest campground. We went and had a great time but things didn’t work out as planned. The trail was over grown and very difficult for most of the first day. We did 18 miles in the first day and hiked from 7am to 9pm with 2 hours of breaks throughout the day. It was intense. The views were incredible and the clear starry nights were stunning. We had to fight off ticks but that was all the bug problems we had. The second day was as long as the first and the trail was still in a horrible condition, plus we got lost for about 3 hours and hike many unnecessary miles. The third day was relatively quick compared to the first two because we only had 7 miles to go. We took the bus home to Salinas from Big Surr which proved to be an interesting experience in itself with the people that got on and off the bus. We both were extremely tired when we got home and it was nice to sleep in a bed and eat home cooked food again. Don came home and the next day broke out in a rash of poison oak. It actually became quite serious. I walked through the same bushes but had no reaction to it. Our wonderful two day 26 mile hike became 38 miles and three days because the trail was so poorly marked and maintained. We look back now and laugh at what we went through during our adventure. Don and I are thinking of doing another hike during July of 2008 in Waterton National Park in Southern Alberta or in the mountains of Kananaskis Country in Alberta west of Calgary.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The First!

The first blog! Okay y'all, sadly there isn't much to report on for now. For those of you who dont know, Duben and I are living it up in California for the time being. We go back to school in April up in Rexburg, ID and are looking forward to it! We love the warm weather here in California and the beautiful scenery we have in this area. It definitely has been a great place for us to spend our 'winter.' We haven't gone to the beach as much as we'd like, but we're planning on taking advantage of it until we leave. Duben is planning a weekend get-a-way with Uncle Don to hike 27 miles thru Big Sur. We will let you know how that goes.