Thursday, March 31, 2011

so glad its over

today was duben's last day at walmart.
im not sure i could say enough how happy i am.
so happy.

now, don't get me wrong, i do like walmart. it is a great company and duben and i both enjoyed our time there. he was just caught in the perfect storm of awfulness.
i didn't like the 60 hour work weeks and all the stress he had.
now its over!

he now is a consultant, which he's always wanted. the office is a 3 minute drive from home.
and the hours will be wonderful.
we are so excited.

even more exciting is we get a nice 10 day break before he starts his new job.
we are on our way to gulf shores, alabama and katie and tyler are meeting us there.
bring on the fun.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

bust a move

ainsley loves cars lately.
she especially loves sitting in the front seat of our car. she sits there and says, 'car car beep beep.'

then she discovered the radio, and the car became much cooler.

is she always like this?

i've mentioned before ainsley has a lot of energy.
i love it.
i really do.
she's so much fun and is always energetic and laughing and being silly.
we have so much fun together.
i adore her personality.

its funny seeing other people around ainsley. without fail someone will always make some sort of comment.
is she always like this?
she sure has a lot of energy!
does she always have this much energy?
she just goes and goes doesn't she?
looks like you've got your hands full with that one.

yes, i know, she has a lot of energy. i'm her mom. I KNOW.

i recently took this picture of her sitting still...with her hands in her lap even.
its so cute to see, it actually makes me laugh seeing her like that.

i had to add the second shot which shows the 'real' ainsley.

i love my crazy little girl.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

naps are for babies

ainsley moved from 2 naps to 1 nap a day rather early. i wasn't such a fan of that transition, but as long as she gave me a few hours to myself i was good.

except her one nap continues to get shorter and shorter.
some days she doesn't nap at all.
what is the deal?!?!

she just goes and goes.
i can't complain too much because she's usually always happy and fun.
there's just too much fun stuff to do i guess.
sometimes she'll give in and she just stops. she'll just grab her blanket and go to sleep on the floor.
sometimes she'll wait till we're in the car to sleep.
and then my favorite when she's so tired and i can move her from the car to the cart.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

go. go. gooooo.

i love ainsley and all her energy.
i do.
i love each phase and how she's growing and developing
just this once i want ainsley to be

i am counting down the sundays until they will let her go into nursery.
most moms are taking screaming children out of nursery.
mine is screaming to get in.

i helped substitute a few times and took ainsley with me. now every sunday she runs straight to the door and cries at the gates, toys toys toys.

so for now i chase her through the halls for two hours after sacrament. we tried going to relief society...that was just embarrassing. she just has too much energy to sit still or even stay in one area.

6 more weeks.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

drink it up

ainsley is definitely becoming more and more independent. its so cute watching her do things on her own.
she really wanted to drink by herself this morning and was just so proud of herself for doing it.

if only potty training was this easy....